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There is no good in much of their secret conferences save (in) whosoever enjoineth charity and fairness and peace-making among the people and whoso doeth that, seeking the good pleasure of God, We shall bestow on him a vast reward.
(Al-Nisa, 4:114).


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Israeli crimes - Getting away with it for over 60 years

The people of Gaza must suffer from serial déjà vu. Another Israeli invasion, yet more death and destruction, flattened urban quarters and above all hundreds of innocent civilians killed. Yet so much of the media reporting might suggest this was the first time it had ever happened.
The massacres of 500-700 Palestinian civilians in Khan Younis in took place during the first Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip on Nov. 3, 1956. According to the BBC’s Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, there was one family that lost 21 members.
Fast forward to the first day of the second Israel occupation on June 6, 1967, and Bowen cites the 28 young men from the Abu Rass family from the Zaytoun district in Gaza who were captured and just executed. To show Israel’s consistency 23 members of the Al Samouni family were killed in 2009, one of many extended families to be suffer mass losses. In this current aggression at least 20 members of one were killed in Khan Younis on 20 July. Are Israeli soldiers unaware that this unarmed civilian population are ‘protected persons’ under International humanitarian law?
The United Nations has also been a regular target for Israeli bombing rarely missing out on a pounding. Are Israeli forces not aware that U.N. buildings should enjoy immunity? There have been Israeli shelling of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools and health centres including ona school in Beit Hanoun on July 24. Go back to 1967, one finds that the headquarters of the United Nations Expeditionary Force was bombed in Gaza and 90 of UNRWA’s 100 schools were damaged in the fighting. On Jan. 152009 the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was bombed. Israel also targeted a U.N. compound at Qana in Lebanon in April 1996 killing 106.
An Israeli speciality is bombing power stations. On July29, it put Gaza’s sole power station out of action. In fact Israel had hit the station twice in the week before as well but much of the reporting could not even delve that far back. Very few indeed noted that Israel had bombed this same plant in 2006 and in 2009. Moreover, it did the same to a power plant in southern Beirut in 2006. Power plants are civilian infrastructure and their destruction is possibly a war crime.
But what gets under the skin of so many is that whilst the Assad regime is sanctioned and condemned, Israel is lauded, protected and given a multi-billion dollar annual sponsorship deal with the United States.
Chris Doyle
Historical crimes are barely reported in media coverage. Audiences may not be aware at all that 70 per cent of Palestinians in Gaza are refugees or about how they got there. Do they know that Sderot, the target of many rocket attacks from Gaza, is built on the lands of the Palestinian village of Najd, whose villagers were expelled in 1948? Some 400,000 civilians are told to move from areas of Gaza, to where Israel does not say, forcing yet another mass displacement of Palestinians.
The obvious question is how come Israel has got away with all this and much more.
A major issue is accountability or more accurately the breath-taking total lack of it. This goes to the heart of the issue as to how Israel is viewed as it is across the Arab and broader Islamic World. The scale of Israeli atrocities pales in comparison with those of many other regimes. Over 1700 Syrians were killed last week alone, the worst week of the entire Syrian uprising but barely rated a media mention.
But what gets under the skin of so many is that whilst the Assad regime is sanctioned and condemned, Israel is lauded, protected and given a multi-billion dollar annual sponsorship deal with the U.S.. Nearly every Arab knows Israel has violated countless United Nations Security Council Resolutions but also that the U.S. has vetoed (42) or threatened to veto countless other resolutions. Why, they ask, is Israel untouchable?
The issue is brought into sharper contrast with the outrage over Russia, Ukraine and Crimea. Western nations demanded Russia end its occupation of Crimea, but do not say the same over Gaza and the West Bank. Putin’s aggression has been confronted immediately with escalating sanctions. Not only is Israel not faced with sanctions but these are specifically ruled out. In contrast western powers sanction Palestine and Palestinians.
Unlike Israel, Hamas is held to account for its crimes of deliberately rocketing civilians. The international community sanctions Hamas and many countries designate it as a terrorist group. Israel metes out its own instant ‘justice’ usually with a one tonne bomb.
What will be the impact on Israel? According to Gerard Horton from Military Court Watch: "The danger is Israel will sleep walk into pariah status if it is seen to remain above the law." Horton tells me that Israel is "operating in a parallel universe, a completely different set of principles seem to apply to this conflict."
Attempts to hold Israel to account have always failed. Notoriously the U.N. investigation into the 2008-2009 Gaza conflict commonly known as the Goldstone report, found both Israel and Hamas guilty of war crimes. Israel and the U.S. orchestrated such a backlash to ensure the commission’s findings were ignored. The U.N. Human Rights Council is mounting another inquiry even though opposed by the U.S. given the saving of Goldstone expectations that it will be respected must be slim. President Abbas may, indeed should, apply for membership of International Criminal Court as the only way to provide protection to his people, but the U.S. has already made clear the torrent of punitive measures such a move would trigger.
If the international community does not hold Israel to account, there is a distinct possibility of increasing private lawsuits and more Boycott Divestment Campaigns. Israel fears delegitimisation but its actions fuel exactly that process. International leaders should demand accountability for Israel’s sake as well as the overriding objective of ensuring that such horror never befalls Gaza again as it has not least in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1987, 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2014.

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Israeli admits 13 elite soldiers killed in Gaza

The latest fatalities bring to 18 the number of Israeli troops killed in Gaza since Thursday. Israel admitted on Sunday that 13 soldiers of its elite Golani Brigade have been killed in battles with Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip.

"Since last night, 13 soldiers from the Golani Brigades were killed while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza," the Israeli army said on its official twitter account.
Golani Brigade commander, Colonel Raslan Alian, was seriously wounded during fighting in Gaza on Saturday and evacuated for medical treatment.
The latest fatalities bring to 18 the number of Israeli troops killed since Israel launched its ground incursion into the blockaded Gaza Strip on Thursday.
Since July 7, Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip, home to some 1.8 million Palestinians, with crippling air and naval bombardments with the ostensible aim of halting rocket fire emanating from the strip.
At least 425 Palestinians have been killed and 3008 injured in the unrelenting Israeli attacks.
Israel's military operation, dubbed "Operation Protective Edge," is the self-proclaimed Jewish state's third major offensive against Gaza in the last six years.

MH17 - Ukraine Crash: What we know from the Time online. They also say they're turning over the black boxes.

The bodies recovered from the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 will stay in refrigerated train cars in the insurgent-occupied town of Torez until United Nations aviation officials arrive, a top Ukrainian rebel leader said Sunday. The comments from Alexander Borodai, the self-appointed Prime Minister of a pro-Russian “People’s Republic” in eastern Ukraine, come after other European officials said rebels had rounded up victims’ bodies and put them on rail cars bound for an unknown destination.
The rebels also said Sunday they will turn over the black boxesfrom the Boeing 777 to officials from the International Civil Aviation Organization, a UN body that oversees global aerospace issues. The aircraft’s black boxes were earlierrumored to have been sent to Moscow for examination.
Flight 17 is widely believed to have crashed in eastern Ukraine after being shot down Thursday.
Both Ukraine’s government and the rebel forces have alleged the other was responsible for downing the Boeing 777.
A spokeswoman for Ukraine’s government said rebels forced emergency teams to give up the bodies recovered at the crash site without revealing where they were taking the corpses. Associated Press journalists had previously reported seeing bodies in bags piled together in the heat on Saturday.
Borodai denied that rebel forces were interfering with the crash investigation and said he was disappointed with how long it had taken Malaysian aviation experts to arrive at the scene.
The U.S. embassy in Kiev has concluded “that Flight MH17 was likely downed by a SA-11 surface-to-air missile from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine.” It said Russia had supplied military equipment to the insurgents, though Russia has denied the claims.

source >>>

A history of the Open Prison & the Killing Field.

Published on 17 Jul 2014 | Gaza a strip of 6 -12km wide by 41km, densely populated by almost 2million was cleared of some 8,000-10,000 Israelis, turned into an open air prison and once Hamas was classified as a terrorist organization the slaughter was carried out numerous times.

Creative Chaos turned into 'the caliphate' Vs 'nation states'.

Published on 6 Jul 2014 | Condoleezza Rice's legacy, will it be, a case of Yankee Jihadists versus their regional sponsors?

ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal

abu bakr al baghdadi
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.
According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.
Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Settlements in the West Banks for Israelis.

Published on 17 Jul 2014 | In West Bank land belonging to Palestinians are taken and turned into 'Settlement' or Colonies. Presented by :Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American with the International Women Peace Service (IWPS), who documents the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Israelis.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Konflik Syria: Sikap PAS

Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi was speaking at a conference in Istanbul last June. 

PADA persidangan gerakan Islam yang berlangsung di Istanbul awal Jun lepas, Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sekali lagi membuat penegasan bahawa PAS  bersama dengan gerakan Islam di seluruh dunia bagi mengutuk segala bentuk kekejaman dan kezaliman yang berlaku di Syria. 

Mengikut laporan pelbagai sumber, ribuan orang awam terbunuh akibat dari konflik yang bermula dengan demonstrasi aman yang bertukar menjadi pertempuran bersenjata.

Dianggarkan purata 40 rakyat awam Syria mati dalam tempoh sehari dan sekiranya konflik berdarah ini berterusan tanpa sebarang penyelesaian, angka kematian dan kecederaan akan terus meningkat.

Konflik yang berlangsung hampir tiga tahun itu telah meragut lebih 200,000 nyawa rakyat awam Syria termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa. 

Jumlah pelarian rakyat Syria kini melebihi tiga juta yang terpaksa tinggal di khemah-khemah pelarian di Turki, Lubnan, Jordan dan di dalam negara mereka sendiri.

Dalam persidangan tersebut, Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi juga telah membuat penegasan bahawa semua kuasa asing khususnya Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya serta Rusia dan sekutunya, yang masing-masing mempunyai kepentingan strategik di bumi Syria agar segera keluar dari negara yang terus bergolak itu dan menyerahkan penyelesaiannya kepada rakyat Syria sendiri untuk menentukan masa depan negara tersebut.

Namun terlalu banyak persoalan yang timbul dalam konflik Syria yang tidak menampakkan jalan penyelesaian ini. Antaranya;

i. Apakah Amerika Syarikat dan Kesatuan Eropah (EU) benar-benar mahu membantu rakyat Syria dan mengembalikan keadilan serta menjadikan Syria sebagi sebuah negara yang Demokratik?

ii. Apa pula peranan negara-negara berfahaman Sunni di Teluk seperti Qatar, Kuwait, UAE dan Arab Saudi dalam konflik Syria ini? Apakah mereka juga benar-benar mahu menumbangkan regim Assad dan melihat Syria menjadi sebuah ‘negara Sunni’ yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi tulen dengan membenarkan parti-parti Islam termasuk Ikhwan Muslimin Syria mendapat kuasa secara demokratik seperti mana yang telah berlaku di Tunisia, Maghribi dan Mesir?

iii. Apakah pula peranan negara Zionis Israel yang bersempadan dengan Syria? Apakah mereka juga mahu rejim Assad jatuh dan akan merestui kelompok seperti ISIS, Al Qaeda atau Ikhwan Muslimin Syria mengambil alih kuasa di Syria?

iv. Bagaimana peranan negara Iran (Syiah) yang berjiran dengan Syria yang dilihat banyak memihak kepada kerajaan Bashar Al Assad dalam konflik berdarah ini? Apakah mereka juga akan turut terjebak di dalam konflik yang lebih parah lagi di Syria?

v. Bagaimana pula peranan kelompok-kelompok baru seperti ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) yang begitu terserlah penglibatan mereka sejak akhir-akhir ini di Syria? Apakah asal usul kelompok ini? Dan dari manakah persenjataan serta bantuan kewangan yang mereka dapat sehingga dapat menguasai sebahagian dari Syria?

vi. Dan apakah kesudahan penyelesaian Syria? Akan adakah kesatuan di kalangan rakyatnya, ataupun akan terus merebak menjadi konflik Mazhab Sunni-Syiah yang lebih parah dengan peranan yang dimaikan oleh kelompok yang keras seperti ISIS dan Al Qaeda?

Pengalaman dan sejarah telah mengajar kita dengan melihat campur tangan Amerika dan sekutunya seperti mana yang berlaku di Iraq, Afghanistan dan terkini di Libya.

Kebimbangan Barat terhadap aspek kemanusiaan di Syria dan negara-negara umat Islam sebenarnya hanyalah helah mereka untuk mengembangkan pengaruh 'hegemoni' mereka di situ. Adalah jelas mereka kini 'melindungi cita-cita hegemoni' dan 'pecah dan perintah'untuk menguasai Syria di sebalik sikap anti-Assad serta 'ingin membantu' mereka. 

Tujuan dan matlamat Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya adalah jelas. Ia bukan untuk menyelamatkan Syria tetapi lebih daripada itu untuk menyelamatkan negara haram Israel dan masuk ke dalam agenda Israel dan sekutunya. 

Amerika yang menjadi rakan strategik Israel akan melindungi negara haram tersebut daripada sebarang gerakan yang dianggap ancaman kepada keselamatan Israel khususnya dalam berdepan dengan Islam. Mereka juga bermatlamat bagi menekan, melemah dan menghapuskan gerakan kebangkitan seperti Hamas, Jihad Islami (daripada Sunni) dan Hizbullah (daripada Syiah). 

Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi di dalam persidangan itu juga telah membuat penegasan bahawa bagi melaksanakan agenda yang nyata dan tersembunyi ini, maka sudah tentu Amerika dan sekutunya menjadi penyumbang besar bagi menjayakan cita-cita keselamatan negara haram Israel. 

Pergerakan Hamas, Jihad dan Hizbullah adalah ancaman paling bahaya terhadap Israel dan bukannya negara-negara Teluk yang kaya seperti seperti Arab Saudi, UAE, Jordan mahupun Kuwait.

"Kepada mereka yang dapat membaca medan politik secara sepak terajangnya, bukan secara akademik sahaja, perlu difahami bahawa politik perlu dibaca dengan dua aspek iaitu akademik yang bersurat dan sepak terajang yang tersirat. 

"Betapa agenda melagakan umat Islam yang pernah menjatuhkan kerajaan Uthmaniyah di awal abad yang lalu sedang diulangi senarionya," ujar beliau memberi peringatan.

Seperti penegasan Presiden PAS, langkah membiarkan kuasa asing yang dijemput menyelesaikan masalah di Syria hanya mengulangi sejarah lama yang wajib dilipat dan dikebumikan. 

"Kalau mahu menghidupkan semula (campur tangan asing) dalam pergolakan di Syria, akan terlaksana sejarah lama yang mengundang singa dan buaya. Natijahnya kalau selamat daripada mulut harimau akan masuk ke dalam mulut buaya,” tegas beliau.

Dan inilah yang sedang dan terus berlaku di Syria.

Oleh : Dr. Syed Azman Syed Ahmad ialah Pengerusi Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa PAS Pusat.