Thousands of pro-Mubarak Egyptians are pouring out of their homes and marching to the centre of the Cairo district of Mohandesin and into its side streets.
Several hundred pro-Mubarak demonstrators have marched or driven to the President's residence in Heliopolis.
Gone is the barbed wire barricade of Tuesday, and the number of tanks is reduced.
Instead the crowd is chanting "Stay Mubarak, don't leave," calling out their support for the man they believe is inside.
Here, too, the people want everyone to know that the Tahrir protesters are not the only voice of Egypt.
"This is the majority of Egypt speaking," said one woman.
At least three of the bridges across the Nile are closed because of the volume of pro-Mubarak demonstrators streaming toward Tahrir Square.
On their own and in small and large groups, people, many draped in the Egyptian flag are chanting their support for President Hosni Mubarak. “Yes, Yes, Yes Hosni” they chant, and “Down with the coward Barradei,” a reference to Mohamed ElBaradei one of the leading figures in the opposition anti-Mubarak movement.
Many carry signs that say “No to damage” a reference to recent looting, and “yes to Mubarak.”
The Globe & Mail Canada | 2 Feb 2010