A DISPUTE has erupted between President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and his half-Welsh wife over whether their son Gamal should succeed him.
Egyptian sources said Suzanne Mubarak was trying to persuade her 77-year-old husband to step down soon after his almost certain re-election for a fifth term in September. This would open the way for the ruling National Democratic party to pick Gamal, 41, as sole candidate for the succession.
But the president, asked last year about the prospect of Gamal succeeding him, said: “Egypt is republican — there is no hereditary transfer of power. It will not happen.”
Mubarak’s opposition appears partly motivated by fear for his son. Having witnessed the assassination of Anwar Sadat, his predecessor, in 1981 and survived an attempt on his own life, he is all too aware of the dangers faced by Arab politicians.
Suzanne Mubarak, the daughter of an Egyptian doctor and a Welsh nurse, nevertheless ..>
The Sunday Times UK | Uzi Mahnaimi - read full report :